Te Kura o ngā Purapura

Newfield Park School


 A vibrant learning community who work together to empower children to succeed through learning.


Our Valued Outcomes for Children

Our children are happy, caring and successful.

Our Values

Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Ako

Our Principles

We believe that children are motivated, engaged learners when; relationships, manaakitanga and whanaungatanga are valued and honoured, they are active learners and they have a strong sense of self.

Enrolment PROCESS

We like to meet families face to face to discuss enrolment at Newfield Park School. This gives us all the chance to get to know one another and find out what best suits your child.

Give us a call at the school office 03 2169601 and Jenna will book in a time that best suits you and your child. We are flexible with how this meeting looks. We are happy to answer questions, show you our wonderful school and of course get to know you and your whanau.

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about us. We'd love to meet you.

Contact Us


03 21 69601